Saturday, 27 November 2010


Yes, I do sports photos as well.  Do you want to know the most important thing I've learned about shooting  sports teams?
Well, I'm going to tell you anyways...

Don't shoot players in front of a net of any kind, especially not a hockey net.  Just don't.

more after the jump!

Weddings! Part Two!

I think I have one or two more examples, but apparently I didn't download/uploads samples of those.  They're available on my website though -

more after the jump!

Weddings! Part One!

For the longest time I resisted all requests to shoot weddings.

Shooting wedding photos is a LOT of pressure.  I mean, if I totally bork a family shoot, I can schedule a re-shoot and make it up, but brides tend to get really angry if you ask them to re-stage their wedding.

Finally I relented...

more after the jump!  


Ok, the plural is a little deceiving, since I think I only compiled examples from one maternity session to add to this blog.

You can see more examples in the Maternity gallery on my website though!

Ok, it seems that "examples" was a fib as well.  Look, it took me approximately 2 hours to gather all of the photos into one album for this blog.

This lovely lady is my friend Jill.  Jill and I have known each other since Jr. High!  Why, that was at least .... uh... a while ago.

Kids, kids and more kids!

Kids are fun - and funny!  Often times they don't realize just how funny they are.

Aaaaaaaah kids.  Can't live without 'em, and the government says we can't beat 'em.

Just kidding.  PLEASE NOTE:  This photographer does not advocate or condone the beating, hitting, spanking, slapping, popping or smacking of children.  This photographer believes hands should only be used for gentleness and nose picking.  Occasionally eating or doing up buttons, or... you get the idea.

Hands to yourselves people!

more after the jump!

Families Part Deux!

Here are some more of the fabulous families I've had the privilege of photographing...

more after the jump!


Ok, in the time it took me to write the intro post, and this post, I changed my mind.  I'm not going to bother with chronological order until I add brand new stuff.

Here are some of the fabulous families I've had the privilege of photographing:

more after the jump!

Zaniac Photo, The Early Years.

One of my first jobs as a "professional" photographer, was with a lovely lady named Leslie, and her family.  In an effort to get my name "out there", I donated free portrait sessions to a whole pile of charities and other organizations.

You'd be surprised how often people win a free portrait session and don't use it.  Probably because most of those are scams to hook people in and then up-sell a bunch of stuff to them.

WORD TO THE WISE:  If you win a portrait session from Zaniac Photo, take it!  I won't sell you a thing. I'll just shoot your photos and give you a disc, I swear.